Federal meteorological handbook
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Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology preparing Federal Meteorological Handbook Number 2 (FMH-2), Surface Synoptic Codes,. The Federal Meteorological Handbook (FMH) Number 1, titled Surface Weather Observations and Reports, dated (latest), is the difinitive United StatesFEDERAL METEOROLOGICAL HANDBOOK 11: DOPPLER RADAR METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS SYSTEM CONCEPTS, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND PROCEDURES; DOPPLER RADAR THEORY AND Buy Surface Weather Observations and Reports: FEDERAL METEOROLOGICAL HANDBOOK No. 1 on Amazon.com ? FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders. Since 1987, ICAMS and its predecessors have been the custodian of the Federal Meteorological Handbooks. The Handbooks define meteorological data and Federal Meteorological Handbook No. 5: Winds-aloft Observations. Front Cover · United States. Department of Commerce.
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